Entries in content (2)


How Does Your Website Measure Up?

Given our agency’s focus on internet marketing, it is not surprising that we get lots of questions along the lines of “What do you think of my current site” and “What would you change”? One tool we like to use in the preliminary stages of our assessment comes from a company called Hubspot: Website Grader. As the name suggests this site “grades” your site on a series of criteria, including site content, technical aspects (length of domain registration, existence of alt tags on pictures, inbound links) and overall traffic rank. Some of the categories used to derive the rankings are less compelling for B2B customers, but on the whole the site does a good job. 

Let’s face it,  your internet marketing strategy -- as a subset of your marketing strategy -- is closely tied to your competitive position. A nice feature of Website Grader is that it lets you easily compare your site to your main competitors. It only takes a couple of minutes. Metrics for comparison include your site’s “grade”, as well as Google-indexed pages, traffic rank, inbound links and more. Website Grader provides a valuable first step in assessing your website against your competition. It's worth a look.


How do your conversion rates measure up?

I am often asked about benchmarks or expectations for response rates from web tactics I recommend. For most of our B2B clients, one of the primary goals of web design, content creation and related SEO is to convert a lead into an opportunity, contact or account.  I was happy to find that Marketing Sherpa published some data on the topic a little while back  from an online survey of professional marketers that make up their primary audience.  I republish it below.

Not surprisingly, it is easier to generate a lead than to close the business - for the most part. One exception noted below is when the buyer has organically found you (i.e., found you by typing key words that your site ranks for). This helps support the case for on- and off-page SEO and generating content that will resonate with your buyer personas. If nothing else, these numbers provide a useful yardstick. How do your conversion rates measure up?